Monday, 10 December 2012

This is just a quick post

Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven't been commenting on your blogs. Our Bank Account has been Fraudulently accessed, this has been very upsetting for us both. My Husband is going to do a virus check, to see if I have a virus in my system, so as soon as he has done this I will come along to your blogs.


MagsB said...

Oh lovey how distressing! *hugs* I hope the b*****d who did this gets caught and put away for a long time. *more hugs*

love Mags B x

Ladock girl said...

I'm so sorry to hear your news it's so upsetting when that happens. I hope they can be tracked, when it happened to my daughter her bank informed her and re-paid her all the money she lost, I hope yours will do the same for you. I just hate it that people (if that's what you can call these cretins) think they can just help themselves to every one elses hard earned cash, instead of getting off their butts to earn their own money.
Love and hugs Linda xxx

Unknown said...

oh my word marlen e im so sorry to hear this awful crime....i hope you can sort things i know how upsetting it is i had my bank hacked i think was about three eyears ago..went out shopping with my grandson ...nothin on my card er!!!! 300-00p for his birthday treat got home and found out with visa some sod in singapore (a charity of all people)had taken all my money except 9 pence THE 08/;'[- *((&YI**0 swines i called them a few other names too .. things i cannot repeat found out during the thursday another 5 attempts on my number was used but they couldnt get anything the singapore swines had fleeced me good and proper it was only 300-00 but it was my money..i i do understand please take care wish there was something i could do....... i did manage to have proof of payments as this was a savings top up card from virgin i got 180p back from visa as the exchange rate from AUD the sods converted it to Us dollars from GBP and at the time AUD was so low in buying back o so never recovered it all .....good luck i do so hope it gets sorted its devastating xxxxxxsassy

Wendy Fraser said...

Oh no, that's awful Marlene, sending you a big hug xx

rachel said...

sounds terrible Marlene - hope you get it sorted! Hugs xx

Doreen said...

Oh no I am so sorry to hear this Marlene,I hope it gets

Anonymous said...
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coops said...

so sorry tm hear this marlene.its not nice to have your money stolen.when it happened to me the bank were brilliant and i had my money back within 3 days.
i hope your bank solves this quickly for you.

xx coops xx

Chrissy C said...

Oh dear, know the feeling. Hope it is sorted soon. Some horrid people in this world.

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