Thursday, 13 December 2012

I am back

Hi Everyone,

Just tolet you know I am back, my computer is now virus free. The bank has paid us the money that was taken out of our account.
I would like to say a big Thank you to everyone for all your messages of support, we really appreciate it. It has been a really bad time, especially when you have to go to the bank every time you had to get money out before doing any shopping. Things are looking better though, just waiting for our new cards.

Thanks again every one.


Caroline said...

Hi Marlene glad things are getting sorted, not a nice thing to happen. Big Hugs Caroline xxx

rachel said...

so glad its sorted now Marlene - it must have been awful for you xx

pam said...

hi Marlene, so glad things are getting sorted,must have been awful time for you ..pam

Doreen said...

So glad everything has worked out

McCrafty's Cards said...

So glad to hear it has all been sorted out Marlene, glad to have you back with us.
Kevin xx

ileana-carmen said...

Hello Marlene,
I read what you wrote on blog Anything Goes Challenge Blog.
I wish you and your family health and all the best.
I wish you a Happy New Year.

coops said...

so pleased you have got your money back marlene and hopefully it won`t be long before you get your new cards.

xx coops xx

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