Thursday 16 May 2024

Anything Goes at Morgan's ArtWorld

Good Evening All

Sorry I haven't been around lately

as some of you know I have had a bad bout of Vertigo

and a Chest Infection, I am still not  fully recovered, I am better 

than I was weeks ago.

This is my DT card for Morgan's ArtWorld

the theme is Anything Goes 

Onto my Card

White Card
Make and Create papers
Morgan's ArtWorld image - Helen Cameo 4
coloured with Copics and can be found here
Double Ribbon Bow

I would like to enter this card into the following challenges

3. Crafty Calendar Challenge - Anything Goes
4. A Place To Start Challenge - Anything Goes option For A Lady
5. Unicorn Challenge # 98 - For the Girls

1 comment:

cuilliesocks said...

So sorry to hear that you've been very poorly. Vertigo is so debilitating, I really hope that you are on the mend now.
Your card is very pretty. take care, Kate x

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